Saturday, September 21, 2019

Showing Animals Love and Respect

Did you know how animals will respond pretty soon if we ALL don't take action? One day, animals WILL rebel on us for the lack of love we are giving them. Now look at this pic I took with my little pup, Honey. If you were an animal, how would you like to be treated? Let me know in the comments.  Seriously! What's wrong with most people, why are people SO cruel, and why don't we want to strike for what is right? Let's all strike for the Animal Kingdom. Let's all fight against extinction and take REAL action! Let all animas be our best friends. Let your voice and actions be your weapon to Animal Freedom. It not only affects our world's animals but also US!  Let's all try to fight for our animals' future.

                                                      -Be the change you want to see in the world, Gandhi


  1. Great message Joy! Let's keep fighting and treating our little Honey happy as we all deserve.
