Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Whale Hunts: A Worldwide Crisis

Whales are being killed more than ever before. Why?  Japan is the root cause of many deaths of whales. Japanese ships returned out to sea with two minike whales. These whales were huge.  Some people might have thought this is amazing, but it is depleting the ocean's whales.  Nowadays, experts run whale-watching trips but before were hunted as they still are today.  Every year, Japan, Norway, and, Iceland kill around 1,500 whales for their meat and blubber. Sadly, dolphins, small whales, and porpoises (which are also called small cetaceans) are being killed by humans each year. In fact, over 100,000 are being hunted and killed. We must discontinue these awful hunts from happening.  And it's not just whales but also many other sea creatures all around the world. They NEED our help. Let's all do our part to help the world.  
This is Joy Curko. 
~ Bringing JOY To The World ~

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Joy for helping to spread the word. You are such a bright young lady with a precious soul.
